Farm info

Finca La Villa is located near Villamoreno in the Buesaco municipality of Nariño, Colombia. Franco Chavez has managed the farm and the coffee cultivation here since the early 1980s when he purchased the property. Coffee plants are well distributed across Franco’s land, shaded by trees growing other crops such as bananas, plantains, and guava. Franco also grows other food crops like beans and corn, though coffee is the only cash crop at La Villa.

This lot of Caturra coffee underwent Washed processing. Franco processes his coffee based on recommendations from technicians at the Cooperativa de Cafes Especiales de Nariño based in Buesaco. Finca La Villa’s elevation makes for lower temperatures relative to the surrounding area, which allows Franco more flexibility in his post-harvest processing. Coffee is fermented for 16 hours after being depulped before being fully washed. Coffee at La Villa is dried in a solar dryer before being milled at the Cooperativa de Cafes Especiales de Nariño.



Nariño is one of Colombia’s 32 Departments. It shares a southern border with Ecuador and is home to thousands of smallholder coffee producing families. Colombia’s three ranges of Andean mountains converge in Nariño, presenting ideal altitudes and fertile soil for high grown Arabica production.

Nariño’s particular geography and proximity to coastal and land borders have historically transformed it into corridor for illicit trade routes, resulting in unwarranted violence against residents of remote mountain farms. Today, thanks to the particularly resilient and fearless spirit of Nariño’s farmers, the small region is a respected nucleus of coffee innovation.