Coffee has been integral to the economic development of the Cundiamarca department for more than a century. The area’s coffee is not just a crop; it is part of the social and cultural fabric of the region.
Cundiamarca’s coffee grows on the western slopes of the Eastern Andes range of Colombia. Here, coffee cultivations are notable for their biodiversity, integration into local ecosystems, and the commitment of the department’s coffee producers; these ingredients have contributed to the prevalence of shade coffee in Cundinamarca. Below a layer of native Andean flora, shade-grown coffee demonstrates the regional philosophy of conservation and environmental sustainability.
Cundianmarca’s coffee farms are planted across more than 43,000 hectares, 70% of which are sown beneath other tree species. The department surrounds the country’s capital city of Bogota, with its more than 10 million inhabitants in the city and sprawling metro area. Even though Cundinamarca’s farms are in such proximity to the country’s urban hub, they offer the contrast of aggressively preserving Colombia’s naturally diverse ecosystems.