Farm info

From its beginning in 2009 until 2013, CEDROS CAFE SAC was a business organized to facilitate sustainable coffee trade with social, environmental, and economic responsibility. The name CEDROS CAFE comes from its Spanish acronym, Centro Empresarial de Desarollo Rural Sostenible de Cafe, which means Business Center for Sustainable Rural Coffee Development. Services included a specialty coffee program, rural micro credits, and permanent training.

On May 10th, 2013, Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples CEDROS CAFE (CEDROS Cafe Multiple Services Coop) was founded to generate greater participation and representation among members, access public and private financing, reach niche markets, and participate in various social movements among coffee farmers. 

Today, Coop CEDROS CAFE brings together producers, conserves biodiversity, includes women producers in its management, and generates opportunities for the next generation. The cooperative has 280 member families and 10 permanent employees.

Luymer Ticliahuanca Garcia, President of the Board, and Jorge Carillo Enrriquez, General Manager, describe CEDROS CAFE’s commitments to quality and sustainability:

“At CEDROS CAFE cooperative, we incorporate the best agronomic management practices on our members coffee farms with continuous producers’ training and post-harvest process monitoring (fermentation, drying, and milling) in order to guarantee our best quality for our clients.  We also promote and facilitate sharing experiences while always being respectful of our members’ traditions.

We have a team of specialized technicians trained for capacity building and integration of sustainable practices into every step of production of the best coffee. We promote agroforestry practices to control soil erosion, reforest production areas, protect biodiversity, and better manage wastewater. We are also very focused on fostering empowerment, democracy, and transparency within our cooperative membership.”

Coop CEDROS CAFE’s main facility is located in Jaén, Cajamarca. Members’ farms span elevations between 1200 and 2000 meters above sea level and cover a total of 640 hectares. CEDROS CAFE coffee is certified both Fairtrade and Organic, meaning that it was produced without the use of any agrochemical inputs. Coffee ships from the Pacific port of Paita.

CEDROS Cafe is part of the Cafe Selva Norte project of Ecotierra’s Eleva Finca. Cafe Selva Norte is a collective carbon-neutralizing supply chain overhaul in Cajamarca and Amazonas, Peru. The Cafe Selva Norte mill is under construction in Jaen; more than 800 producers will have access to a shared milling facility and more than 300 have already received micro credits to finance the conversion of their land from slash-and-burn degraded properties into productive and restorative agroforestry. The project builds a self-sustaining carbon neutral coffee supply chain through the eventual generation and sale of carbon credits from carbon sequestration by hardwood tree species planted as part of a coffee agroforestry system. 

Read more about the Cafe Selva Norte project.


Cajamarca Department of Peru shares a border with Ecuador to the north, and the Peruvian Departments of Amazonas to the east, La Libertad to the south, and Lambayeque and Piura to the west. The Andes mountains run through Cajamarca, and the fertile soil and mineral deposits make agriculture, dairy farming, and mining principle economies of the region.

In the 15th Century, the Incan empire expanded into what is today the Cajamarca department and established their regional capital in the city of Cajamarca, today the capital of the department. The city of Cajamarca is one of the oldest cities in South America.

Coffee farming in Cajamarca is centered around the city of Jaen, high in the mountains. The western reaches of the Amazon Rainforest extend to Jaen and its environs. Cajamarca has thirteen provinces, many of which are criss-crossed by rivers flowing from high in the Andes down to fertile river basins.