Los Pinos is an eight-hectare farm with two hectares of natural forest reserve and six hectares planted in Colombia, Castillo, and Caturra varieties, the most common varieties in the Paez region. Dario, the farm owner and producer, moved to Belalcazar, Paez, Cauca 15 years ago and joined the ASPROFECH coffee producer association in 2013 together with ten other local producers. Before starting his own farm, he worked as a coffee picker and carpenter in Huila and learned about coffee cultivation and processing from the other producers he worked for.
Dario uses only organic fertilizers, applying an organic approach at all stages of farm maintenance. He produces mulch, hummus, and molasses for the plants’ nutrition. Dario started with the production of five bags of coffee and now produces around 30 bags during the main harvest from June through September. He selects seeds and germinates them in the farm’s nursery, which guarantees more stable genetics and a more consistent flavor profile of his coffee. Recently, Dario upgraded his wet mill to an Eco Wet Mill that uses less water in processing and is built from stainless steel.