In the serene landscapes of the Tropical Andes, nestled within the Cusco region of Peru, lies the community of Umapata, home to 22 Quechua families who bring their heritage to life through coffee cultivation. This lot reflects the spirit of Café Orígenes, where coffee is not just a crop but a celebration of an ancient agricultural lineage and a commitment to sustainability.
Umapata sits within the province of Calca, a region renowned for its biodiversity and unique terroir. Here, high altitudes, abundant rainfall, and cool temperatures create the perfect microclimate for producing specialty coffee. The farms span 22.6 hectares, operating within agroforestry systems that respect the delicate balance of this biodiverse ecosystem. The soil, a harmonious blend of silt, clay, and sand, lends its unique character to the coffee, offering a flavor profile as rich as the land itself.
The cooperative, officially established in 2022, marks a new chapter for the farmers of Umapata. Despite over 50 years of coffee farming history, the cooperative’s formation has empowered its members to grow. Over the past three years, production has increased by an average of 10% annually, and incomes have risen by 11%.
The coffee cherries from Umapata undergo a meticulous washed process, a hallmark of quality. Fermented aerobically for 52 to 72 hours in ceramic pits, the cherries develop their vibrant flavors naturally. After fermentation, the coffee is depulped and dried for 10 to 20 days on shaded raised beds, ensuring each bean reaches its full potential.
The community’s efforts are bolstered by the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development, which supports innovative agroforestry techniques, biodiversity conservation, and organic farming practices. Women play an integral role, with workshops and initiatives fostering their empowerment as leaders in coffee production. Traceability measures also ensure every cup connects directly to its origin, deepening the relationship between producer and consumer.
Umapata’s story is one of perseverance, harmony, and connection. By choosing this coffee, you’re not only savoring a unique sensory experience but also supporting the sustainable development of a community where all profits are reinvested into refining their craft.
Every sip tells the tale of the Andes meeting the Amazon, of a land teeming with life, and of families dedicated to preserving their heritage while looking towards a thriving future.