Zelelu Ararso grows coffee in the Wenago district of the Gedeo Zone in the Yirgacheffe coffee area of Ethiopia. He is a member of the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, which helps him export his coffee with full traceability. Zelelu Ararso’s farm ranges in elevation 1700-2000 meters above sea level and was processed at the YCFCU’s washing station near his home. This lot of washed coffee is dried on raised beds after being fully washed and sorted.
Zelelu and his wife, Kasech Zelelu, are model farmers and have received medals at the regional and federal levels in recognition of the coffees they grow. Their farm includes a hand depulper with a capacity of 400kg/hour.
The coffee varieties in this lot, heirloom locally selected sub variety 74110 and 74112, were developed in the 1970’s at the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) for resistance to the coffee berry disease. These two varieties begin with “74” to indicate their cataloging and selection in 1974.
Variety 74110 was selected from an original “mother tree” in the Bishari village, Metu Province, Illuababora zone, Oromia region. After researching its resistance to coffee berry disease and overall yield, JARC released the variety in 1979. 74110 trees are short and compact, with small leaves, cherries, and beans.
Variety 74112 also originates in the Metu-Bishari forest and was similarly released in 1979 for its disease resistance and yield potential. Its trees, too, are small and compact. Both varieties grow well in climates similar to those where the the original mother trees grew.
Explore Ethiopia’s Coffee Regions.